ABATE Legislation Information
Our Continuing Goals:
- The pursuit of fair treatment and safety for ALL motorcyclists.
- Closely monitor proposed motorcycle-impacting legislation.
- Promotion and pursuit of motorcycle-related legislation and safety education for all motorcyclists and the general public.
- Freedom of choice regarding safety equipment.
- Promotion of a positive image of ABATE and motorcyclists.
The AMA provides a complete list of motorcycle laws in New York State on their website here. They also provided listings of motorcycle laws for every state here |
The New York Department of Motor Vehicles Motorcycle Manual is available online here |
AMA Action Alerts
ABATE of NY Inc. encourages and endorses the use of AMA Action Alerts.
On the AMA Website (American Motorcycle Association) you can sign up to receive Action Alerts. It only takes a few minutes to sign-up. You will then receive the alerts via e-mail, pre-written for you, ready to send to the proper elected official(s) in your area. This process takes only seconds! Make your voice heard! Participation in mass, shows more awareness of how you feel on the issues, along with what ABATE NY is doing on your behalf.
Motorcycle Bills
- ABATE of New York Position Paper – Bills that ABATE Supports and Opposes – January 2025
Legislative Form Letter
In an attempt to strengthen ABATE’s legislative position and create a uniform front regarding our position on various legislative items, The State has created a Position Paper which shows our stance on various bills, but more importantly ads a brief argument for WHY we feel the way we do. Also, to help our members contact legislators and more easily provide our thoughts on each bill, we created a “form letter” to be used in conjunction with the position paper. The form letter is available in two formats, both with and without the State ABATE logo. You should pick the version which best suits your editing needs. For example, if you already have a Chapter Logo and want to use that, pick the form letter without the State Logo. Once you have picked your format, add in the information at the highlighted sections. These are things like the name and address of the specific legislator, the date you are writing, the number of the bill etc. At the end, you will find a place for the language of the Position Paper. Find that bill on the position paper and copy the language onto your letter.
This process will be quick and easy, and more importantly will allow us to have a united front with the various bills relating to motorcycles. If you have questions, contact your chapter Legislative Officer or the State Legislative Officer.
Legislation Information
- Legislation 101 – A guide to being a Legislative Coordinator
- Confused About Legislation – It’s really not that hard
- Find your New York State Senator – https://www.nysenate.gov/senators-committees
- Find your New York State Assembly Rep – http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/?sh=search
- Search for motorcycle related Senate bills – http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/search?search=motorcycle
- Search for motorcycle related Assembly bills – http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/
- New York Legislative Report (AMA website) – http://www.cqstatetrack.com/texis/statetrack/insession/viewrpt/main.html?event=53da6990222