he Freedom Writer
ABATE of New York’s newsletter, The Freedom Writer, is sent to all full members, full year advertisers, and sponsors.
Freedom Writer Price Sheet (Adverting Rates) and submission information
The newsletter is published 6 times a year:
January, March, May, July, September, November
Deadlines for Submissions (No submissions will be accepted after the deadline)
December 1st for January issue
February 1st for March issue
April 1 st for May issue
June 1 st for July issue
August 1 st for September issue
October 1 st for November issue.
Guidelines for submitting material:
The Freedom Writer welcomes all submissions from our readers. We will print submissions on the basis of content and space available. We reserve the right to edit submissions for grammar, profanity, clarity, and length. The Editor will either edit or notify author of refusal to print if information submitted is found to be detrimental to the Aims and Purposes of ABATE of New York, Inc. Photograph submissions are highly encouraged, but we can not guarantee their return to you. Please write a caption with each photo submitted.
Anything may be reprinted without permission as long as it is used to benefit motorcyclists and due credit is given. Submissions, including original articles, artwork, reports, photography, and letters to the editor can be emailed to:
Linda Gaylord – Newsletter Editor
Email –
Phone – 518-567-6780